Title I is a federally funded supplemental education program that provides financial assistance to improve educational outcomes for children. The Pottsgrove School District receives funding based upon the number of students in a building who qualify for the free and reduced lunch program. Title I funds are designed to help children meet state content and performance standards. Within Pottsgrove School District, each of the three elementary buildings receive these funds and students receive targeted assistance through small group instruction during the school day.
Pottsgrove School District follows an established assessment calendar through which data is collected. This information is used, in part, to identify students that qualify for Title I services. The assessments include the Aimsweb battery of assessments for math and reading as well as the Exact Path Diagnostic Assessment.
When a student qualifies for Title I services, families receive communication with an invitation for the student to participate. During the school year, there are several opportunities for parents to be involved with Title I programming.